Terms and Conditions
This agreement governs the legal relationship between the company "AGOS GREEN" S.R.L. (IDNO 1002600034170), with its registered address in Chisinau municipality, Botanica sector, Valea Crucii Street, 26, hereinafter referred to as "COMPANY," and the User of the website www.agosgreen.com during the use of the specified website.

The use of services or information provided on the website www.agosgreen.com is equivalent to the user's acceptance of the terms and conditions below. The terms and conditions may be periodically amended, and the user should check for updates each time they access this site.

Content and Copyright
The content and design of the website belong to "AGOS GREEN" S.R.L. and are protected by intellectual property laws. You may not reproduce the materials displayed on the site without obtaining written permission from "AGOS GREEN" S.R.L.
The service contract concluded between "AGOS GREEN" S.R.L. and its clients grants the clients the right to copy and/or print portions of the website's content for personal use, without any commercial intent.
"AGOS GREEN" S.R.L. may, without any other notification or formality and without the need to explain its decision, suspend or terminate your access to the content of the website or a part of this content.
"AGOS GREEN" S.R.L. assumes no responsibility, in any situation, for any direct or indirect damage suffered as a result of using or interrupting the use or irregularity of the information and services provided on this site. "AGOS GREEN" S.R.L. does not guarantee the accuracy, correctness, or current nature of the provided information.

Orders and Requests for Price Quotes
Orders or requests for price quotes can be submitted using the contact form on this site, email, phone, or at our headquarters. The user has the obligation to provide accurate and concise information regarding the desired project. "AGOS GREEN" S.R.L. cannot be held liable in any way for inconveniences caused by the user's provision of incorrect or incomplete information.
If "AGOS GREEN" S.R.L. considers a request or order as incomplete or incorrect, it may ask the user for additional details using the email address provided by the user or delete the request without any notification to the user.

Final Provisions
All users of this site are subject to these terms and conditions, and accessing it implies the user's acceptance and compliance with the provisions set by "AGOS GREEN" S.R.L. in this document. "AGOS GREEN" S.R.L. reserves the right to modify the content of this document at any time, without prior notification to the user. The changes made in this way are considered accepted by the user if they continue to use the website after their display in this document.

Terms and Conditions
The specified terms and conditions govern the use of the website www.agosgreen.com. By using our website, you indicate that you agree to abide by the imposed terms and conditions.

Conditions of Website Use
Except as mentioned later in this agreement, the content of this site may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, posted, or transmitted in any form and by any means without the prior written consent of "AGOS GREEN" S.R.L. Distribution or copying of the content of the pages contained in this site to any third party is not allowed, including but not limited to caching the content of this site. Downloading the content of each individual page of this site is allowed for non-commercial use, acknowledging the source. Storing a transparent copy of the site for its viewing only while connected to the internet is also permitted.

Materials Transmitted to this Site
Any material or information sent or published on this site, by any means, will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary, and thus can be used by "AGOS GREEN" S.R.L. for any purpose, including but not limited to product development or marketing. Posting or transmitting illegal, threatening, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, or other materials that may violate the laws of the relevant country of the site is prohibited.

Limitation of Liability
The materials and content published on this site are provided "as is," without any express or implied warranties of any kind, including warranties of merchantability, copyright compliance, or fitness for a particular purpose. "AGOS GREEN" S.R.L. is absolved in all cases of responsibility for any damages (including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information) arising from the use or inability to use the materials, even if "AGOS GREEN" S.R.L. has been informed of the possibility of such damages.
Acest site web folosește cookie-uri
Despre Coockies
Cookie-urile sunt mici fișiere text care sunt plasate pe computerul dvs. de către site-urile web pe care le vizitați. Site-urile web folosesc cookie-uri pentru a ajuta utilizatorii să navigheze eficient și să îndeplinească anumite funcții. Cookie-urile necesare pentru ca site-ul web să funcționeze corect sunt autorizate să fie setate fără permisiunea dvs. Toate celelalte cookie-uri trebuie verificate înainte de a putea fi setate în browser. Puteți modifica oricând consimțământul dvs. pentru utilizarea cookie-urilor pe pagina noastră privind Politica de confidențialitate.
Strict necesare
Cookie-urile strict necesare permit funcționalitatea principală a site-ului web, cum ar fi autentificarea utilizatorului și gestionarea contului. Site-ul web nu poate fi utilizat corect fără cookie-uri strict necesare.
De performanță
Cookie-urile de performanță sunt utilizate pentru a vedea modul în care folosesc vizitatorii site-ul web, de ex. cookie-uri de analiză. Aceste cookie-uri nu pot fi utilizate pentru a identifica direct un anumit vizitator.
De targetare
Cookie-urile de targetare sunt utilizate pentru a identifica vizitatorii între diferite site-uri web, de exemplu parteneri de conținut, rețele de banner. Aceste cookie-uri pot fi utilizate de companii pentru a construi un profil de interese ale vizitatorilor sau pentru a afișa reclame relevante pe alte site-uri web.
De funcţionalitate
Cookie-urile de funcționalitate sunt utilizate pentru a memora informațiile vizitatorilor de pe site-ul web, de ex. limbă, fus orar, conținut îmbunătățit.
Contact form
Corjova (Criuleni), Republica Moldova
Social media
General manager phone
Sevastian Ivan
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